Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 21

Today was a sleep in day. Many hard, frustrating & sad events happened last night, which made it quite late. We all hung out at the house this morning while the LOI team went down to the orphanage to sort out Ernie’s tools from Naomi’s Village’s. Today is Julie’s Birthday so around 9:30 this morning, Rachel, Sean, and I walked up to the market and duka to get her some flowers. After finding some beautiful colorful roses we went to Mama Chiku’s hotel for some chai. After tea time, we walked passed all the other little shops here in Kijabe. We also made cookies this a.m.
After lunch around 2 we headed down to the orphanage to take people to the IDP Camp. The team was not done cleaning things up, so I had to stay so I could walk the team over. Around 4 everything was done and we walked to the IDP Camp where we had chai & cookies. Soon it was time to go.
Tonight, since it was Julie’s b-day Dan, Rachel, and I did all the cooking. We had Nachos, which were fabulous and brownies.
After dinner Emily, Katie, Dan & I all jammed out with some worship tunes. It was again a late night filled with laughter & celebration.

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